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Writer's pictureJames Lucas

Love Conquers All!

Here in this cosmos of confusion, where fear and torment prevails, because the proud and arrogant are ruling by force, it’s easy for the believer to be influenced even extremely affected. Praise God the Saint of God needs not to be effected at all because we dance to the beat of a different tune.

I thank God we are no longer of this world we are in it but we are not of it. We are free and free indeed. I believe it would behoove us to look into the word of God for enlightenment concerning what is truly powerful, verses what is portrayed to be, but pales in comparison. Wisdom begins with the fear of God.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding has all they that do his commandments.” Ps.111:10

True understandings brings obedience. Today we have a lot of people professing to have wisdom and understanding but have not experienced the fear of God.

Reverend and Holy is His name.

Today God is not honored in a worthy manner among many that profess to know Him. He has prepared everything for us.

“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and fear.” Heb.12:28

The title reverend should never be taken by those who dwell in sinful flesh and not even by angels who are much greater in might than the sons of Adam. This is God's’ name, a name that implies that we are to fear him, to give reverence to, and bow down to. I know no man worthy of this, but we take pleasure in giving the one whom we honor and respect this reverence and godly fear. We are not to fear the devil, he is not worthy of this respect at all. Why should we fear him? Was he there when God called the universe into existence? I hate him with a perfect hatred. Has he ever shown any love or concern for anyone? He is evil personified, he is like a cockroach and should and will be walked on by the Sons of God. The scripture tells us to put Satan under our feet and it is a pleasure that we have because the Almighty God dwells in our bosom.

Some mistakenly think they should not fear God, this is a grave error and should immediately be addressed. If anyone should be feared it is God, first of all, He is the one who formed us from the dust of the ground, and gives us the air we breathe and is the sustainer of all who live in heaven and earth. Only a fool will say there is no God and only those who have a misunderstanding of his love would question if He is to be feared.

God is love and once that love is revealed to sinful man he cannot help but stand in awe and great respect for the mercy that has been bestowed upon the undeserving sinner.

God is love, this is the greatest reason of all to respect Him, the greater revelation of love that He gives of himself the more we stand in awe with reverence and godly fear. The one we love the most is always the one that we want to be like, but we know we fall short, therefore we fear to be discovered. Like the small child that has his hand in the cookie jar and his mother walks in; he knows without question that his mother loves him, nevertheless, he fears.

The day is coming when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord. When perfect love is revealed in the person of God everyone will give reverence to him and love will conquer all.

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