“Where there is no vision, the people perish;” - Pr.29:18
People who don't have a Vision live without purpose, simply going from one thing to another, like driftwood.
It is obvious our wonderfully Creator had a Vision for man when He created Him.
He had a purpose for creating him, in fact, an Eternal Purpose. Ep.3: 9-11 Ep. 2: 10 ( Ro.8: 29 Gen.1: 26 )
All of God's creatures have a purpose but we have the highest calling of all.
Our Father who sees the end from the beginning counted the cost. Is.46: 10 There is nothing He doesn't know. He knew how we would fall into sin and the great price of our redemption.
Rev.13: 8 offered from the foundation of the world. Heb.11: 17
Salvation was established, made secure before the foundation of the world.
Our Creator has always had Salvation in mind for all who believe in every generation.
He is not a respecter of persons.
Today people perish because of ignorance of the Vision of our Lord, they are easily deceived by false prophets. Ma.7: 13-21
God is Spirit and we must be partakers of His Holy Spirit in order to manifest His Image. The fruit of the Spirit is the absolute Image of the Father. There's only one fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22 It does not say fruits it says fruit.
If we will pursue His Vision not our own it will enable us to walk in harmony with God. Those who are born again are born to do His will and to bear His Image. This is how we can know the false prophets. Those who abide in the Spirit will naturally bear the fruit of the Spirit. JOHN 15: 2-8
Some believe the will of God is hard to know or unattainable, I think they are either trying too hard (over-anxious) or simply dwelling in unbelief. Those who will abide in the Spirit are abiding in the will of God. By simply trusting. God chose you to bear much fruit. John 15: 16
(Close on this note)
“Jesus’ meat (Vision) was to do the will of His Father and to finish the work He had given Him to do.” John 5: 30 - 34
E.g.. 4: 11- 13
The same holds true for the believers and the Vision of God is more vital to us than our earthly food. Without it, we will perish.
“ Don't sell your birthright “ 2 Gen.25 : 30....
Don't sell your birthright. “The Esau Syndrome” The ultimate for the instant. or the most important for the least important.
Your physical desires can derail your destiny if you let them. The love of pleasure is far overrated and the Call of God for us is underrated.2 Tim.3: 2-4
The greatest treasure on earth in comparison to our birthright will be as meaningless as a pot of soup.
A career is much greater than a simple meal but when you compare it to our Eternal birthright it is nothing. Lu. 9: 59- 62 Don't look back. Remember Lot's wife!