God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. JOHN 4: 24 The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. vs 23 The Father seeketh such to worship Him. Eternal God has always been Spirit, He is forever the same He changes not. When Adam and Eve sinned they were separated from the Spirit of God that is what death is. They no longer were capable of worshiping the Father in Spirit and truth. They were absolutely lost, They did not have a clue their sin had blinded them. Therefore the Father deemed it necessary to send His Son (THE WORD) to rescue fallen man. Man was not capable of knowing the Son of God in Spirit. The solution was Jesus would be made flesh the same weak and limited flesh that Adam had. Now, mind you this was a very humbling thing to do. For us it was marvelous but for the Son of God, it was a great sacrifice made for the purpose that man could know God and worship Him in Spirit and truth. The Son of God is the Word, now we all like to be heard when we speak. His flesh was a temporary "bridge" to restore our ability to hear the lovely voice of God. When we hear Him He is pleased and imparts unto us the gift of faith. ( faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.) The redeemed hear the voice of God and WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH.